7 or 8 Contax II and IIa cameras with several lenses, mostly 50/2 ... Being sent on Saturday- Sony A39O with kit lens and Tamron 80-200 ... It's also got a somewhat fussy double-exposure interlock, but my tech guy just solved that problem ... Won a Nikon SB-11 boxed kit with everything but the instructions.
DOWNLOAD: https://byltly.com/2f9jna
DOWNLOAD: https://byltly.com/2f9jna
Boys in sport 11, sb11 (39) @iMGSRC.RU
7 or 8 Contax II and IIa cameras with several lenses, mostly 50/2 ... Being sent on Saturday- Sony A39O with kit lens and Tamron 80-200 ... It's also got a somewhat fussy double-exposure interlock, but my tech guy just solved that problem ... Won a Nikon SB-11 boxed kit with everything but the instructions. 939c2ea5af